ESA Screening
Phase I ESA
Phase II ESA
Health & Safety Plan Development


Categorical Exclusion
Asbestos Survey
Level 1 Ecological Survey
Section 106 RFR
Phase I Archaeology Survey
Phase I History/Architecture Survey
Environmental Justice Section 4(f) Determination
Section 404 Waterway Permit

US Route 20 Roadway Improvements


The US Route 20 Roadway Improvement Project involves the widening of the existing highway from Stoney Ridge Road to Lear Nagle Road through a dense urban setting within the City of North Ridgeville. Lawhon, in a subconsultant role, was tasked with preparing the Level 4 Categorical Exclusion Document and performing all supporting environmental studies. This project involved the acquisition of additional right-of-way (ROW) on the south and north side of a two mile stretch of Center Ridge Road. To determine the likelihood of hazardous substances within the study area, L&A was tasked with performing Environmental Site Assessment Screening of 212 parcels that were located in or adjacent to the proposed ROW. The findings indicated that 22 sites required a Phase I Environmental Assessment (ESA). When results of the Phase I ESAs were compared to the Preferred Alternative, 9 sites were recommended for further investigation. The geophysical survey and soil and groundwater sampling identified the following recognized environmental conditions: free product in groundwater, orphan underground storage tanks and/or contaminants of concern above BUSTR action levels and OEPA VAP Standards in groundwater/soil. Recommendations included Petroleum Contaminated Soil Plan (PCS) notes, Regulated Water Plan Notes, UST Removal Plan Note and additional investigation and remedial design. As the selected route and amount of take from each property was finalized, L&A worked with the District, OES and the Engineer to further investigate and delineate suspect contamination at four remaining parcels. Subsequent findings required the development of Site Specific Health and Safety Plans (SSHSP) for three properties to ensure hazardous materials were properly handled and disposed of during roadway construction activities. L&A was also responsible for disposing of all waste material generated from Phase II ESA studies.