BUSTR Tier I Site Investigation
BUSTR Tier II Evaluation
Interim Remedial Action Plan
Well Closure

145 S Front Street UST Closure


L&A was contracted by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) to complete underground storage tank investigations and documentation for the 145 S. Front Street facility, located in Columbus, Ohio, as required by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR). The site was previously utilized by ODJFS as offices with an underground storage tank (UST) for the building’s emergency generator.While the UST system had been removed prior to L&A’s involvement in this project, samples collected during its closure indicated concentrations of benzene exceeded BUSTR Action Levels. L&A’s assignment began with the installation of nine monitoring wells and the completion of a Tier I Site Investigation followed by a Tier II Evaluation. Because of the close proximity of the site to the Scioto River it was determined that an Interim Remedial Action (IRA) was the most effective route to obtain No Further Action status for the release incident. In 2012, L&A’s proposed IRA was approved by BUSTR. L&A completed the excavation of a 15’x25’x10x’ deep cavity to remove the accessible source area and disposed of petroleum contaminated soils at an off-site remediation facility. Portions of the source area extended to beneath the building footers and groundwater levels at the time of the IRA. An updated Tier I Investigation and Tier II Evaluation were completed utilizing both historical and newly collected soil and groundwater data. Upon completion of the Tier II Evaluation a recommendation of No Further Action (NFA) was requested and subsequently granted by BUSTR in 2014. Upon its receipt L&A removed and sealed all of the monitoring wells at the site.