The State Route 109 Bridge Replacement/Relocation Project involves the replacement of the Damascus Bridge, which carries State Route 109 over the Maumee River, with a wider bridge to the west of the existing crossing. This project is unique in that the structure has a large span and the removal of the existing bridge and construction of the replacement structure would impact a State Scenic River. L&A was selected, as a subconsultant to the prime engineering firm, to perform all required environmental studies necessary to prepare waterway permits, as well as the Categorical Exclusion. The Level 2 Ecological Survey performed by L&A identified five wetlands, suitable habitat for multiple threatened and endangered species, including the Indiana bat, bald eagle, rayed bean mussel and creek heelsplitter mussel, within the project area; it was determined that no cultural resources would be impacted by the project. Based on the permanent and temporary impacts to the ecological resources anticipated for the final design, the following waterway permits were required: USACE Section 404 Individual Permit, USACE Section 10 Permit and OEPA Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Because of the State Scenic River designation and the presence of threatened/ endangered species, coordination with ODNR and USFWS was also necessary. Lawhon prepared the permit application package and assisted ODOT with agency coordination efforts. All assignments were completed with in-house personnel, which led to cost savings during the study phase and streamlined the permitting process. USACE and OEPA accepted and approved the permit applications without comment.