Cultural Resource Literature Review
QHEI Assessment
Section 404 Nationwide Permit
Agency Coordination

Great Miami River Recreational Trail


Lawhon was selected, as a subconsultant to the lead engineer, to prepare a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 Nationwide Permit Application (PCN) for the Great Miami River Recreational Trail (GMRRT). The project involved the installation of approximately 1,500 feet of new recreational trail along portions of the Great Miami River and the Hydraulic Channel. The scope of our services included review of environmental studies and current engineering plan sheets developed during the planning and design stage of the project. Based on this review, L&A conducted a Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) assessment of Schaffer Creek to supplement existing data. Once complete, L&A participated in a pre-application meeting with the USACE to confirm the onsite limits of jurisdiction and the regulatory status of all onsite Waters of the United States. It was determined that the proposed project met the conditions of Nationwide Permit 14. L&A proceeded with preparation of the Section 404 Permit Application (PCN). As part of this process, L&A also coordinated with Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding state and federally protected species which may be present within the project limits. Additionally, a cultural resource literature review of state resource inventories and available county and township archives was performed to document the historic and prehistoric record of the project area. The USACE authorized the permit without comment in July, 2014.