The City of Pataskala and ODOT District 5 is proposing the reconstruction and widening of County Route 41 (Mink Street) from State Route 16 (Broad Street) to Muddy Fork Creek in the City of Pataskala. A Phase I History/Architecture Survey and Phase I Archaeology Survey was required based on the resources present. The Phase I History/Architecture Survey defined an Area of Potential Effect (APE) and consisted of a literature review, field survey, research, and report preparation. Forty (40) buildings 50 years and older were identified within the APE. The Phase I Archaeology Survey consisted of a literature review, field survey of controlled surface collection, systematic shovel testing, and a disturbance assessment. Four (4) previously undocumented archaeological sites were identified during survey work, including two (2) prehistoric sites and two (2) historic sites. No prehistoric/historic sites or structures were found to be eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.